There are many men who are eligible for parole but who cannot be paroled because they have no place to go. This not only creates a strain on the prison population but also has the effect of keeping someone in prison past their parole eligibility date (PED). Meaning that men who are or should have been paroled have not and could languish in prison until someone comes forth and provides them with a place to live. That’s all they need is an address where they can parole to.
That’s Where LoneStarTrust comes in. We provide low cost housing for those who were recently incarcerated and need a place to parole to. We also provide mentoring for those individuals who may need advice or don’t know where to obtain State or Federal benefits, Food Assistance, Transportation, and or referrals to counseling centers across the city.
Our goal is to help these individuals transition back into the community by being part of that community. We want to see men succeed and becoming productive members of society once again. Over 90% of parolees just want to get on with their lives. There is just too much human potential to waste and with our help and yours we can help them get back on track to a successful and meaningful life. Please take the time to give. Thank you.